(Italian version)

          Am I agnostic?Boomslang

who are agnostic people? - all we are!!!

Agnosticism is the philosophical position by with we notice the human impossibility to define nature and so the true essence of God

This concept seems to me quite obvious

Many people say not to belong to any religion, since there is no possibility to be sure about the existence and truthfulness of who put the base of such religions

Personally I think that from religions we have to understand the main sense, the common base; the ethical meaning

Ethical meaning, known by the wise man by thousands of years

By his creation, man was not allowed to know all the true things


But we can know a part of ultimate truth

We cannot know supernatural forces

But material ones yes

For the time being let's imagine forces higher than material ones


When there'll be the day in which we'll enter those forces, we'll know more about them

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The word AGNOSTICISM was founded in 1869 by Thomas H. HUXLEY, from Greek language "agnostos" (not knowable) referring to his convintion that it's impossible to know about some religious matters

Agnosticism is based on EPISTEMOLOGY thinking process, so on the study of human knowledge; it's called true a knowledge that comes directly from human experience

Agnosticism is different from ATEISM and from SCEPTICISM, because it doesn't refuse trascendental things, nor it doubts about them, but just don't think about trascendental things, since it sees them as unknowable in our actual human form

I tell you: it's absurd to speak about agnosticism in a point of view not near to religion: since pre-Socratic time, so since more than two thousands years, not-knowledge concept ("agnosticism" - in Greek "gignosko" means to know ) was philosophical matter; such concept is so a philosophical concept, perfectly ok with a religious mentality

Agnosticism term was diffused, in 18° and 19° century, mainly because in that period scientists contrasted with what was written in religious books; the term was so diffused like the "relativity" one, founded by Einstein and used badly from people who heard such word (and not such great theory)

Be careful: the great religious person knows about the existence of God, but, if he's a wise man, he knows also it's impossible to be really sure about it till his death or till a great miracle would happen facing his eyes

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